The Truth About Drugs program is made available free of charge to educators worldwide, in recognition that the solution to drug use is to reduce the demand through education. When young people learn the facts about drugs and their effects, they tend to decide for themselves to stay away from them. provides a full range of information and educational materials, all available for viewing, downloading or ordering online.
The Truth About Drugs: Real People, Real Stories documentary film features former users who survived addiction and now talk about it so young people hear the unvarnished truth about drug abuse.
The Truth About Drugs series of fact-filled booklets on commonly abused drugs educates young people on what drugs are and what they do.
“THEY SAID, THEY LIED” public service announcements are played in classrooms, on television, and across malls and airports.
The Truth About Drugs Educator’s Guide, the centerpiece of the comprehensive Education Package (top), contains a full semester of lesson plans for middle school, high school, college-level or community programs.